Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Project - Office Phone Book

The Office Phone Book Project

This project has been on my desk for months. I keep putting it off becuase I want it to be a good test of ASP.NET database driven web site. The database in phonebook data is already in an Access 2000 MDB.

I start Microsoft Web Developer 2005 Express Edition or "Web Developer" for short. From the main screen I create a new Web Site. Location listed below.
"My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\PhoneBook" and I select ASP.NET web site. Web Developer then creates the following files and folders.


I copied our PhoneList.mdb file that contains all of our phone book data from our network to my workstation and placed it in the following location.

(1) Now in my Web Developer I drug a GridView onto my Default.aspx work serface.
(2) I then selected the GridView Tasks and under 'choose data source' I selected
(3) I then selected Access Database as the database type and let the Developer specify the default ID for the data source as 'AccessDataSource1'
(4) Then I selected the path to the Access 2000 database phonelist file. The location is; '~/App_Data/PhoneList.mdb'.
(5) Now the wizard wants to know what data I would like to use and from what table. I select the PhoneListTable and then select the following fields.
[ID] - This is the autonumber index field in my table.
[ShowInPhoneList] = This is a boolian Y/N check box.
(6) I then click on the Advance Tab. Since I selected an index field [ID] The developer is going to allow me to 'Generate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Statements' So I check this box. I also check the box 'Use Optimistic Concurrancy' so that updates by mutiple users in the same record would be possible without data collisions.
(7) After clicking on NEXT I test the query and find that my data does appear.
(8) I am now taken back to the GridView which has been updated to now show the fields that I selected above. I now check 'Enable Paging', 'Enable Sorting' and 'Enable Editing'.

I am now ready to test my database web page. I click on RUN to test my application. I do not get any errors in my Web Developer and the web page with my data displayed in a table works perfectly. However when I click on Edit a record and try editing or adding data to any field and the click on Save nothing happens.

So my question is what went wrong. I tested the connection and that passed. The web page displays the data with no problem. So why can I not update a record?

I stop the application and then click on the Database Explorer. I right click on PhoneBookTable and select Display Data.

The Web Developer now shows a complete list of my data. I test editing a field and it works perfectly within the Web Developer. But from a web page nothing happens when I edit a record. The record shows the data changes in the field but when I click on UPDATE the data disapears or reverts back to the original data.

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